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Upscale Matchmaking Services



As Seen in

You’ve tried online dating apps or meeting through social media. You have gone through your circles of friends and can't date at work.  You have tried other matchmaking services.  It feels like you've tried everything...

Try matchmaking with LAVISH DATES. Although our screening process is very thorough, we are very creative when it comes to introductions. You benefit from a team of passionate individuals dedicated to enhance your dating experience.

You will have access to your matchmaker through phone and email. Your matchmaker will scout matches for you based on your preferences .We are headhunters for love and very passionate about helping you find love.

Gentlemen, Get introduced to your wife or  life partner, an attractive woman who is your mental, spiritual and emotional equal and wants to create an amazing life with you. 

Wouldn't it be nice to be in a relationship with someone you find attractive and that is also compatible with you? As a matchmaker, I am continuously asked how to attract your soul mate and live the life you want to have with a special person. Many of my clients tell me they prefer to be single then to be in a relationship of convenience but don't have the tools to attract the right kind of mate in their life. We offer several packages of coaching that you will find suitable for your needs. Not sure where to start. Call for a free 15-minute consultation and let us direct you to the coaching or matchmaking program which will get you to make leaps in your love life.

Hey there! Wouldn't it be nice to finally settle down with your husband?

SIGN UP for matchmaking!

Tailored introductions, concierge services, insight calls, and the relationship you seek. 

Hello Boss,
learn the matrix of a woman
and capture her heart with
the Lavish Dates mini course
by Millionaire Search International

Not sure if matchmaking is right for you?

That’s why we curate our matchmaking service
for men and women who will only date at the highest level.

We hear you.
there can be lots of questions and confusion when considering a matchmaking service such as, what type of men join your services? 

You might be asking yourself questions like...

Ladies, Finding a husband or life partner may sound like a dream, but you might be wondering if this will actually work for you?

get matched now!


"I was skeptical at first to let someone take care of this very important part of my life. Natacha Noël our Matchmaker impressed me with every introduction she made. Today, I am in a relationship with the most extraordinary woman a man could want to share his life with. I could not have met her outside of this service as our paths would have never crossed."

Kind Words From a Client

We continuously scout for the most desirable singles in your area. Once you go through our screening process, we either introduce you to members that match your criteria or we begin your own personal confidential executive search through our network at no additional cost. In other words, you will be introduced to an exceptional single inside or outside our confidential database. 

Dating With Us

Working with a Matchmaker is a great way for exceptional singles who are stuck in a dating rut, do not have many possibilities to meet outside of their circles, are not interested in the bar and club scene, may be attracting the wrong partners and whose love life expectations are not being met.
Are you dating in the wrong pool of singles? Are you meeting potential partners who want to be with you long term and for the right reasons. Is your success in the way of knowing if women are truly committed to the relationship or is it the lifestyle you offer that is the main interest?

Your dating life now...

INTRODUCTIONS from our free member database
Uncapped math criteria
VIP HOME VISIT from our team
Concierge services for your dates
MEMBER APPROVAL: You approve intros with profiles and photos. You can accept or decline as many introductions as you want.
Lavish Dates Program
6-Month Freeze: Freeze your membership for up to 6 months
Work Exclusively with Natacha Noël
Up to 12 included introductions via our partners/affiliates
10/10/10 : Highly Attractive Candidates

Awesome question, let's get you started

VIP Tools for relationship success
Radical Marriage coaching
Sex and Love Rituals
Communications tools
Man’s Emotional Needs
Women's emotional needs
Conflict resolution
How to be a partner to an Alpha Male
Learning feminine communications skills and patterns
Feminine energy rituals
How to be a supportive wife


Carrot cake croissant jujubes sweet danish tiramisu dessert chocolate bar. Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop.

Awesome Module


Carrot cake croissant jujubes sweet danish tiramisu dessert chocolate bar. Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop.

Awesome Module


Carrot cake croissant jujubes sweet danish tiramisu dessert chocolate bar. Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop.

Awesome Module


Carrot cake croissant jujubes sweet danish tiramisu dessert chocolate bar. Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop.

Awesome Module


Carrot cake croissant jujubes sweet danish tiramisu dessert chocolate bar. Chocolate cake bonbon pudding tootsie roll caramels cupcake croissant sugar plum biscuit. Jelly beans gingerbread cupcake dessert cheesecake powder lollipop.

Awesome Module

What's included in a VIPmembership?

sign up!

everything you need to meet your life partner. Robust profiles, attractive singles, vetted singles, a strong team of professional matchmakers and dating coaches.

Sign up today, and start going out on dates that have true long term potential. 

Start Dating Today!

People who just want to “meet people” but don’t yet know if they want to be in a significant relationship.
People who do NOT want to ever work for their happiness and hope that happiness will fall on their laps.  People who are perpetually in “information gathering” mode and are not prepared to take action and get results.

Who this is not for:

Men and women who are financially stable, of any marital status (single, separated, divorced or widowed, not living with anyone in a primary relationship, AND seeking commitment or marriage.
People who value making someone a priority in their life and contributing to a relationship just as much as they value being pampered.
People who are HONEST and have INTEGRITY in their approach and who enjoy sharing their life with someone.
People who know they can benefit from being in a significant relationship, can grow from one and are willing to WORK to
make that happen.
People who are already taking action, and who want to build a “beautiful life” and bring a sense of belonging, aliveness,
deep purpose, love, happiness, and family values to their life.

This is for you if:

Hello Gorgeous!
Now let's get back to the heart of why you're really here...

Get Matched TODAY!

Join other happy and successful singles that are looking to share their life with like minded men and women and do not like to waste time.

Imagine what it will be like to finally experience the type
of RelatioNship you have always envisioned. 

You could keep doing what you're already doing and honestly, if you’re tired of helping everyone else and their dreams and want to make a real change in your love life. This is for you if you know and believe that there is a better way to get the strong connection with a woman. I love to work with high achieving men and I know you will work hard to obtain the results you want. If you are tired of being tired of not getting results, make this commitment with yourself.

Hey Friend, You have a choice...

If you find yourself asking the question:
"How do I find someone", let us start by reassuring you that you are on the right path to have the romantic life you desire.

Q: How old are the women?
A: 23-65
Q; How old are the men?
A: 28-75
Q: Can you match saMe age group men and women?
A: Yes We can
Q: Can yo match Older men with younger women?
A: Yes, 5-10-15-20 and 25 year gaps are common.
Q: Can you help clients who request even greater age gaps?
A: Yes we can Match clients with very large age gaps.
Q: Is this a sugar daddy agency?
A: No this is not a sugar daddy agency. Clients come to us for commitment and marriagE.
Q: What if I want to date casually, can you make introductions?
A: Yes, we can make introductions for casual dating.
Q: Do women have to be millionaires to join?
A: No they do not. We match women from all walks of life.
Q: Do you have to make millions to become a client? 
A: When filling out an application, you should be established, highly successful but you do not have to make over a million dollars to become a client. Other professionals can inquire at Absolute Bachelor CLub for matchmaking services.
Q: Where do you find the clients and the women? 
A: clients come to us through referrals, Google searches, Seeing us on TV shows, hearing us on Radio shows, podcasts, Reading about us on newspaper articles, magazines,. We scout on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok.
Q: Who are the clients?
Entrepreneurs, CEO's, consultants, self employed, doctors, lawyers, managing directors, business owners, celebrities, professional athletes, Retired men.  
Q: Who are the women?
A: any type of Professional women, consultants, business owners, real estate agents, interior decorators, managers, teachers, nurses, models, actresses, makeup artists, sales women, yoga teachers, coaches, therapists, students, technicians, and women from all types of industries and professions.

Frequently Asked Question

Natacha Noël is the President and CEO of Millionaire Search International, a boutique matchmaking agency serving Wealthy, successful men including CEOs, celebrities, athletes and public figures.

Millionaire Search went International opening a new headquarter in New York City, following eight successful years in her native Montreal, Canada, Natacha and her team see themselves as “headhunters for love.” She knows her demanding clients are unwilling to compromise when it comes to finding a life partner, so she offers a highly-personalized level of service, going the extra mile to match her discerning clients with women who meet their specific criteria.

“I create Power Couples,” explains Noël. “That means I can’t wait around for the ideal match to show up at my door. After determining exactly what my client wants in a partner, my team and I go to where the right people are—from red-carpet events, to professional conferences, even the airport—to find and recruit the best possible matches for introductions.”

An internationally-renowned Certified Matchmaker, Dating Coach, speaker and media personality for 10 years, Noel has long been Canada’s go-to matchmaker for successful men and women, and was called the ‘Matchmaker for the 1%’ by the Toronto Star. Her unmatched dedication to her clients has helped countless people find their soul mates and see their dreams of love and companionship come true.

As an agent of love, dating coach and relationship expert, Noel also knows how to help her clients make the personal changes they need to attract and hold on to lasting love. Her bold, brash, confident and unapologetic coaching style has helped many clients define and meet their relationship goals. That includes helping professional single women make the kinds of changes they need to stand out from the crowd and become irresistible to the high-value man they seek.

Natacha has been featured in publications including AskMen, The Huffington Post, La Presse, the Toronto Sun and the Toronto Star, and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio shows including The Social, Salut Bonjour, CTV News, Breakfast TV, Indice McSween, LCN, and the Barry Morgan Show. She regularly speaks on webinars and tele-summits as well as at corporate events, and holds regular workshops and online training courses designed to help successful singles become even more successful at dating (and marriage).

Natacha lives in New Jersey with her husband and twin daughters.

Natacha Noël

About your Matchmaker

You deserve to finally experience love and life the way it was meant for high achievers like yourself!



Dear Natacha,
I am writing this letter to thank you very much for what you have done for me. Finding the love of your life at any age is a challenge, but finding the ‘one’ second time around is like finding a needle in a massive haystack. It’s extremely difficult. I suggest most people never find the love they yearn for.
As you know, I tried online dating for quite a while to no avail. In fact, my conclusion is the vast majority of women (and men too) on these dating APPs are lying. They lie about their age, they post old photos, and they embellish their profiles. This phenomenon makes it virtually impossible to meet someone compatible, though I guess it does happen sometimes. My feeling is even when you finally meet someone in this fashion, it often doesn't last.
The bottom line is I was very frustrated and discouraged with online dating. I really wanted to meet my lady, but the online dating world was not delivering. When my friend recommended I work with a matchmaker, his arguments in this regard were compelling. It made sense to me on so many levels. The matchmaker does all the work to find the appropriate women to date. But the key was to find the ‘right’ matchmaker. He told me the best matchmaker out there was Natacha Noel.
My journey with you has been extraordinary. Your authenticity gave me tremendous confidence in the process. Your sincere effort to find me love was thorough and persistent. You worked hard to screen for the right ladies to introduce me to. You filtered out those who were not a fit and you matched me with those who were. This was valuable time saved. And you coached me all the way.
My journey was not easy. I met several lovely ladies each with their own strengths and weaknesses. And I even dated a couple of them for a short period. But the ‘right’ lady eluded me. You were so persistent and resilient, Natacha. With
 each date, you learned more and more about me and the woman that would jive with me, so you kept the pedal to the metal. Then recently, you introduced me to a lady who took my breath away. I knew the moment I met her she could be the one I have been waiting for. She felt exactly the same way I did. Our date was electric. And we have been growing closer and closer together as the days and weeks have passed. She is the love of my life, my queen. And I am her king. We are a perfect fit and are meant to be together. My days are now filled with joy and sunshine. There is no doubt in my mind I would never have found her if it wasn’t for you.
Professional matchmaking makes perfect sense. If someone would ask me if I would pay significant money to meet the love of my life, the answer would be easy. I wouldn’t hesitate for a second.
You are an exceptional person, Natacha. You are empathetic and caring, and really good at what you do. You made this journey a pleasure and, more importantly, a success!
If anyone ever has a doubt about your prowess and capabilities in this regard, they can talk to me. And, they can talk to the person I introduced you to a few months back. You found him the love of his life in one try. Amazing!!
Thanks again for everything, Natacha! You rock! Take care and stay happy.

Kind Words From Past Clients